30 second review: Nuud natural deodorant

There are two things that I have been resisting when it comes to ‘green beauty’ – shampoo bars (anyone got any recs? My hair HATES them) and deodorant. It’s all fine and worthy until the mercury hits 30 degrees… there was a rather ill-advised summer in the early Noughties where I roadtested a ‘crystal deodorant’ in the name of beauty journalism (you literally rubbed a hunk of clear quartz under your arms) and nearly felled half the commuter train by 6pm.

So it wasn’t until this year that I felt brave enough to give anything other than my trusty Dove another whirl – this time, with Nuud natural deodorant. 

I was served an ad on Instagram and it looked like it was worth a whirl… I dipped my toe with the sample size and when it came it certainly was dinky. £13 for 15ml. Like a teeny toothpaste tube (made from cornstarch no less). However that little shot was enough for 6 weeks. 6 weeks! (fab for your travel washbag, if you’re on the road a lot like me).

It’s got no aluminium, no chemicals, no artifical fragrances, no salts, no parabens, no alcohol, no crap. It’s only got 10 ingredients, I love this page on the site where it tells you why it includes each one.

In fact it doesn’t really smell of anything, you apply it with your fingertips (a teeny pea size amount per pit) and it’s got the consistency of toothpaste (yet non sticky and non staining too).

Now here’s the head f*@k. You only apply it every 3 days or so. YUP. Even if, like me (and most civilised human beans) you wash your pits everyday. I know. It’s some kind of witchcraft. It’s not actually, it doesn’t block our pit pores and inhibits the bacteria that causes odour from festering in the first place…. I know, I didn’t believe it either. However, we’re early July and I’ve put it through its paces on some particularly scorching days and not a whiff. Not even a hint.

£13, 15ml (6 week supply) Nuud

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