Categories: CF Style

CF Gadgets: iDrated app – hydration tracker

So, for the last couple of weeks I’ve been trialling a few health apps for a new project I’m editing (sorry to be mysterious, I will spill the beans shortly) and I wanted to share with you this week a few of my favourites that have made a real difference already.

First up: iDrated water consumption tracker app. (developed by Locassa Ltd, 69p, App Store)

I bought this a month ago as I knew I was waaaayyy off on my daily water consumption. My skin was dry and dull, I was getting more regular headaches and my concentration was a nanosecond long. All red flags to dehydration. I wanted something that not only logged what I was drinking, but that prompted me to drink, too.

I love the fact this handy app requires no data input, just a swipe of the finger to fill or empty a virtual bottle to indicate how much you’ve drunk. So, before I started I did a quick measure of my favourite mug (300ml), one of our water glasses (500ml) and I was ready to go!

You can set your own daily consumption target but I kept it at the recommended 2lt. You get prompted with a little alert when you are due a sip, making sure you hit this target each day.

It has made me soooooo much more aware of keeping hydrated, and made me realise how little I was drinking! Two litres initially felt like a swimming pool’s worth but it’s not at all. Two big glasses of water and four herbal teas throughout the day and I’m there. On that note, it has renewed my obsession with herbal teas – Pukka’s Vanilla Chai, Three Ginger, Three Mint and Night time being my current tipples.

After a month I cannot believe how clear and glowy my skin feels, my skincare regime hasn’t changed radically so I really do think it’s simply the fact that I’m properly hydrated. My headaches are completely gone and, working 8 hours days at a computer, I’ve noticed my concentration improve in leaps and bounds, too.

For 69p I can’t think of a cheaper way to improve my health, skin and mind!

*Note: this is not a sponsored post – I paid the full 69p for it!

Up next: Sleep!



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