Categories: CF Style

Puppy love: find your Valentine thanks to PetsPyjamas.com

Via http://pinterest.com/munozgurl13/

In romantic contrast to my previous entry, this post is a cheery look at ‘finding love’, that only goes to confirm my belief that love finds you. Go hunting for it and you might as well book yourself into a convent now, but start enjoying life and relax and BOOM true love knocks you for six. The loves of my life have arrived at completely random moments – at my parents Christmas drinks party (I know, how Bridget Jones) and rather more successfully, over lunch at a friend’s restaurant, a member of his staff casually inquired if I was ‘seeing anyone’ and hey presto! 7 years later one wedding and one Country Bebe: true love. I guess the logic behind it is that when we go out on the hunt for love (speed dating, blind dates, internet dating – I’ve done them all) you immediately up your stress, tension and anxiety levels. Not great ‘vibes’ to give off to attract a mate. In the middle of your weekly shop, or at work you’re more likely to be relaxed, natural and open to the approach of that hot guy over the frozen peas or photocopier. Makes sense.

Petspyjamas.com, the website for discerning pet owners (think Net a Porter meets Stylist magazine for four-legged friends), has come up with some brilliant, and heart-warming stats for Valentine’s Day that prove my point.

1 in 5 dog owners have found love while walking their pooch. Own a cat? 7.5% of owners have found a date at the vets! Promising huh? It’s the perfect icebreaker and, if you’re both pet owners – an immediate common ground.

When I lived near Hyde Park I’d walk my Jack Russell cross, Dfer (D for Dog… I know) every morning at 6am, without fail. It’s amazing how we used to see the same people each day: the Grande Dame with full rouge at 6am walking her 3 King Charles Spaniels and the brilliantly Butch Gay couple walking their teeny tiny Chihuahuas – I had my eye on a cute bespectacled guy with a lurcher. Unfortunately the fact I was in my pyjamas with manic bed hair and morning breath always stopped me talking the plunge.

If it can happen in a Disney, ANYTHING is possible.

Petspyjamas.com are launching Petwalk events in April (Richmond Park, Hampstead Heath and Hyde Park – the lurcher guy might be there!) – the idea is to get fit and meet other dog lovers in the process – who knows you might find love too!

P.s. We have decided to get a French Bulldog this autumn – eek!




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