A brief update from my deathbed

Okay, sick bed. Country Bebe and I have been struck down hard with a cold (him) sinusitis/fever/headache (me). So sorry, the posts are going to be slooooow this week.

I thought I’d do a quick pictorial update from the weekend:

Clockwise from top left:

The cupcakes were a triumph. They were made in batches at 11pm each night last week so I’m surprised just how well they came out (Hummingbird Bakery are to thank for the fool-proof recipes FYI).

The birthday boy had a great day on Saturday. The joy of a one year old’s birthday is a/ one gift is plenty b/ you don’t need to bother wrapping it c/ you can spend their birthday money on practical things like shoes and they won’t know.

We are still reeling from his birth, so the idea that a year has gone by is crazy. I read somewhere that becoming a mother is like learning to live with your heart walking around independently from your body. Pretty apt I’d say.

Okay, so the chairs I posted about last week aren’t in fact Saarinen but Arkana, designed by Maurice Burke. They’re finally here and the seat cushions are being recovered. They are in varying states of repair so a bit of sanding/filing/painting needed but god, I love them.

Finally, my mum presented Country Bebe with my childhood Royal Doulton ‘Bunnykins’ crockery set on his birthday. A proper family heirloom.

Right, back to the Olbas Oil steam inhalations *cough*, so much for my immune system revamp.


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