A quick, skin-friendly DIY shave oil

Yes I know it’s the depths of winter and the idea of de-fuzzing oneself is probably at the bottom of the beauty to-do list, but I’ve been working on a formula for a nourishing, natural shave oil that I wanted to share.

It’s actually great for winter limbs as the oil is super-nourishing (unlike chemical-filled foams and gels that dry out skin) for dry, scaly skin and leaves legs, underarms etc soft, nick-free and it’s the only formula that my previously rash-prone skin seems to tolerant.

Here goes:

You need:

A measuring jug
Lavender essential oil
Peppermint essential oil
Sweet Almond Oil (or similar, I’ve used Apricot Kernel oil here as I had some left over)

All these things you should be able to pick up from Boots/Holland & Barrett et al – I order mine in bulk from Baldwins

In the measuring jug add 250ml of your chosen oil, then per 250ml I like a ratio of 10 drops of lavender to 3 of peppermint (this is purely preference, feel free to mix it up). Lavender is anti-septic and anti-inflammatory to minimize red, blotch flare-ups and the peppermint oil is anti-septic and anti-bacterial, too.

The oil gives you a great ‘slip and slide’ with the razor, allowing you to get a closer shave – on which note my biggest tip when it comes to shaving is: use a men’s razor. I use the 5-blade Gillette one (Mac 5?) – the multiple blades mean you don’t have to go over an area twice (key to avoid razor burn) and because they are designed for the delicate face area they are great for sensitive skin.



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